Hello Bloggers!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Daffodils? In February????

It's a nice day here in Central Kentucky, so I thought I would get out in the yard and begin picking up the zillions of branches and twigs that were blown down from this last weeks horrible weather we had.

Look what I found behind the shed!!!!! Can you believe it????

It's only February 9th! These babies must have sprouted early this week and here I am just finding them. (you can see all the millions of little twigs I get to pick up too.. ugh)

Daffodils tend to grow wild here in Kentucky, it's amazing. You should see some of the rolling meadows filled with thousands of them... a sea of yellow. It's breath taking for sure!

This put me right into spring fever!

Blessings, Jean :)


The Paisley Studio/Sarah McNamara said...

Nice, Miss Jean! I bought some daffodils at the store the other day and they have already shrivelled up and died. can;t wait for them to come up in the yard.


primitivebettys said...

How nice!!!! :) Spring is on its way!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Jean....lucky gal...all I find in the yard is.....well you know, Stewy leaves it....hahahahah Hugs MO

the tattered nest said...

I am from Minnesota and I just wanted to say thanks for the badly needed dose of Spring...it gives me hope that it is coming! I love daffodils!

Unknown said...

Hey Bean, go sign up for my give-away!!

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

OH!! Those are wonderful!! How I would love to see those growin' right about now instead of the deep freeze we're in.
Thanks for sharin'!!

Wendy said...

Love it Jean! Can't wait to see green grass again....still all white with snow where I am. :(

Suzanne said...

Awww, so pretty! We still have snow, but it's supposed to warm up in the 40's this week!! Can't wait for spring!

Cookie said...

We still have snow and ice and single digit temps - I hope you dont mind if we just camp out behind the shed and watch these babies bloom ?
thanks for the spot of cheer, Jean!

shweetpotato said...

Spring is coming YAYYY!!! Carm

Rachael Kinnison said...

I DONT believe it for ONE second!!! Youre just TEASING~ you took that picture LAST year~ common ADMIT it!!! NO FAIR!!!!!